Friday, June 03, 2005


As this is the first posting of this blog, I'll treat it as a sort of introduction of my blog, to you- whoever you may be.

This blog has been conceived in boredom, which I concur, is a terrible start. However, it leaves a lot of room for growth, no? This blog is meant to be a forum for sharing stories, photos, as well as much loved books and music.

The title is a quotation from Lewis Carroll that I feel sums up pretty well how I'm feeling at this point in my life, and the real motivation for anyone to make a blog in the first place. For this reason I'm hesitant to put too much into trying to define myself through an abstract electronic media that I'm just learning to use. So Instead I'll share stories and photos. There's no better insight into a person than the way they approach and interact with their surroundings.

I'm currently in Santiago de Chile where I'm finishing up a five month internship with the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. As I am not an economicst, and don't imagine I ever will be, the experience has been an interesting one. Filled with I don't knows, what do you means and please explains. Its been great. Its also the reason this blog exists. There are only so many times you can read the same news stories while waiting for your boss to call with a new assignment...

Some of the most important experiences I've had in South America have been my travels. They also lend themselves nicely to a blog, as the pictures are much more interesting than those of the office. I think I'll start with my trip to Bolivia.

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