Cajon del Maipo

Here's the rental car. For four people and one night's worth of gear, it was just right. Although that opinion changed pretty sharply once we got on to the dirt mountain roads in a rain storm. In the back is Carol and Sarah. We're on our way to Pirque here to picnic at a national park and then go to a party at someone's country house. I'm still not really sure who the owner is.
It doesn't take long to get away from the filth of Santiago. After about a halfan hour we were already out in the campo surrounded by cacti and huasos.
Not much explaination needed here. Beautiful hot day in the South American Fall with clouds moving over the Andes.
Carol, Sarah and I in the park rolling through like argentines with the mate in hand. There are few things better than an afternoon in the wilderness with a picnic and a warm gourd of mate. Actually, the day could be shit, you could be out of food and sitting in your basement apartment in maipĂș and it would still be alright with some mate by your side and some friends to share it with...
Sarah and I in the park. i wish I could remember its name. Either way it was out in the chucha of Pirque towards the frontal range. There were thousands of cacti and a beautiful clear river running through it.
The sun setting as seen from the national park which shall remain nameless.
After a night of partying and sleeping in the tent we were off to the Cajon del Maipo to soak ourselves in the natural hotsprings. Beofre we could take advantage of that ultimate relaxation however, he had to get there. Which proved more exciting than anticipated. It was raining and the dirt road had turned into a mud road. It wouldn't have ben a problem except that our transportation more resembled a golf cart than a car and the tires were most certainly made for Fischer Price Powerwheels.
When we got to the first steep grade our golf cart crapped out on us due to the unbearable weight of the four obese passengers. On second thought, maybe it was the six horsepower engine. Either way, I, in an attempt at chivalry, offered that Bostjan and I would get out and push. As you can see from the photo, the girls didn't feel like stopping and Bostjan was none too pleased about walking.
Nearing the hotsprings we had to cross a few streams. It only made the arrival at the hot springs that much sweeter. And the car managed it valiently.
I found out later that crossing the stream in the golf cart may have been easier than on foot...
We finally arrived and while the cold rain was falling we sat in the hot springs and covered ourselves in mud all afternoon watching the fog roll up the valley, over our heads and finally settle down over us. It was a great weekend and ended up being the perfect way to spend a rainy afternoon. On the way back we stopped a a house on the side of the road where they were selling empanadas and sat down to enjoy our lunch/dinner and drink mate for awhile while the rain blew up the valley and the sky started to clear.
Jay -- I much enjoyed joining (blog-wise) your trip. Great photos. I'm envying your experiences down there.
David Wagner
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